Provider News


Provider Portal


Provider Portal
Important Announcement on Prior Auth & Acute Rehab Level of Care
Effective immediately: Prior authorization for the Acute Rehabilitation level of care is no longer required for APR-DRG facilities. As part of this update, prior authorization, concurrent, and continued stay review authorization requirements are no longer required for...
New Way to Check Review Status
Telligen now has a new automated phone system for checking your review status. Click to read more…
DRG Implementation
Acute Care Hospitals will be subject to changes in their reimbursement methodology effective July 1, 2021. Acute Care Hospitals will be reimbursed using 3MTM All Patient Refined DRG (APR DRG) Software. This change does not affect in-state Critical Access hospitals,...
Portal Registration Just Got Easier
Telligen is pleased to announce a simplified process for registration to our Qualitrac portal. Effective immediately, all new portal registrations will be completed entirely online. Simply click on the Provider Portal Registration link and follow the online...
ASAM 3.7
To provide Medicaid reimbursed American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) based Medically Managed Intensive Inpatient, ASAM 4.0 or Medically Monitored Intensive Inpatient, ASAM 3.7, you must fall into one of the following provider types: An IMD that is licensed,...