Provider News


Provider Portal

Register Now for CHIS Provider Training

Two upcoming Opportunities   Tuesday, April 8th at 10:00 am MT- Click here to register Wednesday, April 16th at 4:00pm MT- Click here to register   ***Sessions will be recorded and uploaded to our website if you are unable to attend. Agenda Introduction of...

Changes to Prior Auth and Medical Record Submission

Effective August 1, 2023, all Idaho Medicaid Providers must use the Qualitrac Portal to submit prior authorization requests and to upload medical records for post payment medical necessity and DRG validation reviews. Starting August 1, 2023, all providers are required...

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Important DME Submission Update

Provider Memo: RE: DME prior authorization requests To expedite the manual pricing process, Idaho Medicaid and the Medical Care Unit are requesting a change in how the DME requests are built and approved. Effective Immediately: All manually priced miscellaneous (MISC)...

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All DME Prior Authorization Reviews Now Completed by Telligen

On January 1st, 2022, Telligen began reviewing DME prior authorization requests. All DME prior authorization requests must be submitted to Telligen via the online Qualitrac portal (preferred method) or via secure fax to (866) 539-0365. Portal access is easy and...

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Upcoming Post Payment Audit

On July 1, 2021, IDHW moved to the APR-DRG reimbursement model and discontinued the prospective review of certain inpatient stays conducted by UM vendor, Telligen. Due to that change, IDHW will be implementing a monthly post payment audit process. As a part of the...

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Case Management Self-Referral for Enrollees

Providers: Please take note of this announcement and direct members to it at your discretion. **ATTENTION MEDICAID MEMBERS** If you or Medicaid members in your family have one of the following conditions, or are accessing one of the following services, you may be...

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