Provider News


Provider Portal


Provider Portal
IDT Code Now Live!
Good news! The new Interdisciplinary Training code (IDT) is now live in our system. What does that mean for you? For new IDT requests - please start requesting IDT through Qualitrac with the new, updated code of H2019 HT. Remember that this is a 15-minute code, so...
Children’s Habilitation Intervention Services FAQ
Telligen, in collaboration with the Department of Health and Welfare, has created a comprehensive FAQ list for Children's Habilitation Intervention Services. Please find them here.
MCG Integration with Qualitrac Complete
Dear Providers, When Telligen went live on Qualitrac 3.0, MCG was integrated into the system which provides transparency into the clinical guidelines and criteria we use to review your authorization requests. Effective August 22, there will be an upgrade to the...
Training Notification
Telligen Provider Portal Changes - Training Notification. Details are listed here.
Genetic Code Announcement
At the request of Idaho Medicaid, and to streamline the process for reviewing genetic tests, all genetic codes except the following will be reviewed by Telligen effective Monday, March 12th, 2018: 81225 Cyp2c19 gene analysis common variants;81226 cyp2d6 gene...